The Common Types of Required Aircraft Inspections


December 12, 2022 Alex Marsh

Since the debut of powered flight, aircraft have rapidly advanced as new and robust technology continues to enter the global market. Despite modern aircraft boasting much more efficiency, safety, and overall reliability as compared to early models, they will still face regular wear over time with continual use, making it necessary that they be inspected for any potential issues on a scheduled basis. In fact, aircraft inspections are generally mandatory in many countries, governing bodies setting schedules for how often aircraft need to be checked and how thorough each check needs to be. In this blog, we will discuss the most common aircraft inspections that are mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), allowing you to be more aware of what is carried out to keep such vehicles safe.

Mandated inspections are known as scheduled inspections, and they tend to occur at regular intervals that are defined by governing bodies. For a country like the United States, the most common scheduled inspections are annual, 50-hour, 100-hour, and pre-flight inspections. Aside from these inspections, other operations can be carried out whenever an issue is suspected.

Annual inspections, as one may assume, are held once every twelve months. These are often the most in-depth processes of the bunch, requiring technicians to look over the engine, avionics, aircraft logbooks, flight surfaces, and much more. Annual inspections are required for aircraft of all types, meaning that any recreational, commercial, or training aircraft will need to undertake the same checks. If any issues are found, such as a dysfunctional item or corroded surface, repairs and replacements will be conducted until the aircraft is deemed airworthy for continued flight.

For flight-hour based inspections, common options include 50-, 100-, 150-, and 200-hour inspections. While 50- and 100-hour inspections are primarily carried out for piston-powered aircraft, 150- and 200-hour inspections are used for turbo aircraft. During these checks, technicians will focus on things such as cleaning components while checking for damage. These checks may also include the removal of parts like windows, doors, and tires so that a proper look over and cleaning may be carried out. After all applicable sections are inspected and systems like avionics have been tested, the technician will determine if any repairs are necessary. If you are interested in what is specifically required for your aircraft during these inspections, such details are often included within each model’s maintenance manual.

Many pilots may be familiar with pre-flight inspections, those of which are carried out prior to any flight operation. These inspections are important, as they allow one to ensure that there are no malfunctioning or defective systems that may cause a safety hazard. Generally, pre-flight inspections include checking the battery, cabin, avionics, and cockpit. For larger aircraft, pre-flight inspections will often be carried out by a team, while smaller aircraft can be looked over by an individual, as long as they are aware of what they need to inspect and how.

Aside from such examples, special and unscheduled inspections may be carried out as well based on various needs and requirements. With any inspection, it is essential that a qualified individual carries the process out to ensure that any concern is found and addressed. Additionally, if you find yourself in need of replacement parts or tools for repair, relying on a reputable distributor can allow you to source everything you require with ease. Luckily for you, Sourcing Streamlined is your go-to solution with countless parts ready for purchase at any time.

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