Buy Part JSFE14P07ABB024 of Master Machine Products Corp with NSN 3120-01-666-2001 - Quote Now!

Part Number: JSFE14P07ABB024 Manufacturer: Master Machine Products Corp NSN: 3120-01-666-2001 (3120016662001)
Item Name : bushing sleeve CAGE Code: 94892 FSC : 3120 Bearings Plain Unmounted

We currently have Part Number JSFE14P07ABB024 with NSN 3120016662001 in stock. This component is manufactured by Master Machine Products Corp under CAGE Code 94892 and described as Bushing Sleeve..

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With over 100 million parts sold, we are among the reputed independent distributors within the United States. has over 26 different distinct federal supply code categories, with more than 10 million national stock numbers from 5,000 leading manufacturers.

A national stock number, also known as an NSN, part bears an official label indicating its procurement, storage, and stocking within the Federal supply system. NSN parts are an essential part of the military and defense logistics supply chain and can have multiple part numbers under it depending on whether it has multiple manufacturers for the same part. Part number JSFE14P07ABB024 belongs to the Federal Supply Group 3120 Bearings Plain Unmounted.

NSN Information for Part Number JSFE14P07ABB024 with NSN 3120-01-666-2001, 3120016662001


Item Description:

Bushing Sleeve


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